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"These projects have been co-funded with the financial support of the European Commission. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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In a world marked by challenges, we're excited to share the ongoing strides of our impactful project, "Coeur Courage." This initiative is at the forefront of a transformative journey, redefining education, empowering youth and championing social inclusion.

Courage in Unprecedented Times:

Inspired by the French word for heart, "coeur," our project serves as a testament to the power of courage during times of unparalleled challenges. Courage becomes more than a mere virtue; it becomes the driving force that propels us beyond our comfort zones.

A Continuous Commitment to Inclusion and Diversity: At the heart of "Coeur Courage" lies an unwavering belief in the world's 7 billion talents. We remain dedicated to fostering social and economic resilience through projects that celebrate diversity and inclusion.

Empowering Youth Across Borders: With a specific focus on active citizenship and youth entrepreneurship, "Coeur Courage" continues to empower young minds with the tools needed to navigate the complexities of our society.

Innovation as a Guiding Principle: Far beyond a roadmap, our project is an ongoing exploration toward the next level of impact. "Coeur Courage" continues to embrace innovative methodologies, leveraging the transformative power of arts for social change, cross-cultural dynamics and the revolutionary Doughnut Economy 2.0.

Global Collaboration and Tech Integration: In collaboration with global partners, including Ubiquity University, "Coeur Courage" aligns globally while acting locally. Integration of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and cutting-edge AI technologies remains a cornerstone, pushing the boundaries of conventional approaches.

Tackling Critical Needs Head-On: From financial security to the underestimation of youth workers, "Coeur Courage" confronts identified needs with targeted training methodologies. Language proficiency and key competencies remain central, maintaining trusted relationships with the youth we aim to empower.

Addressing Ongoing Global Challenges: As the EU grapples with an increasing number of refugees, "Coeur Courage" positions itself to understand and address multicultural diversity, geopolitical instability, and the impacts of climate change on migration.

Continuing the Journey of Courage: "Coeur Courage" is an ongoing call to embrace courage in our daily lives. Join us as we navigate the intersection of passion, heart  and courage to create lasting change. Stay connected for updates, inspiring stories and the unfolding chapters of "Coeur Courage."

COCO LOGO (1).png

Health is wealth 

Center Of Exellence.jpg

Project summary:

Project partners: STICHTING MASTERPEACE (Netherlands)

                               Asociatia MasterPeace Ro (Romania)

                               EDU 4 U (Slovakia)

Project period: 01.03.2021 - 28.02.2023     

Who we are:  organizations providing formal and non formal education, individuals - teachers, educators, youth workers, volunteers, students


Language: working language is English, outcomes available also in Dutch, Romanian, Slovak

About the project

Our main objective is to boost the transformation of schools and teachers through innovative digital infrastructures and services to enable the youngsters to grow their talents and become an active citizen, so that vulnerable youngsters are not left behind (social inclusion) and enjoy quality education.

Our sub-objectives are:
1)To train teachers in their didactic and educational skills to use blended learning and sustain this as “the new normal”;

2)To inspire and challenge the students to start community projects for social inclusion using the theoretical blended learning and provide feedback as part of the learning cycle to their teachers and ICT support;

3)To improve knowledge and skills of management, staff and teachers so that they have learned and implemented innovative blended curricula on citizenship, understand the needs and opportunities, integrate this in their (ICT) strategy and management and strengthen the ecosystems

4) To share lessons learned internally and externally. We focus on the teachers active in the “vertical” domain of Social Science. They will share the knowledge with all other domains so as to transform the teaching in their entire school. Externally schools and teachers will share this in their networks of schools and governments.

If you are interested to learn more or if you want to enrich your teaching/learning experience, join our e- learning course

Lesson plans, presentations and further information upon request at

na webstranku info.jfif

Project summary:

Project partners: STICHTING MASTERPEACE (Netherlands)

                               Asociatia MasterPeace Ro (Romania)

                               EDU 4 U (Slovakia)

                               Fundacja Wspólnota Wielopokoleniowa (Poland)

                               Growunited e.V (Germany)

Project period: 01.11.2021 - 30.04.2024

Why acting as a doughnut?  "A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow"  


                                                                                                                                                 Kate Raworth


Language: working language is English, outcomes available also in Dutch, Romanian, Slovak, Polish and German. 

 If you want to get some inspiration click on  


  or attend one of the courses here

Doughnut Economics Lab                               (DEL)     


KA210-ADU - Small Scale Partnerships in Adult Education,  " DOUGHNUT ECONOMICS LAB (DEL) "aims to educate, engage and connect residents

to be active citizens co-creating" their "flourishing city.



increasing the positive and active influence of residents in creating a sustainable future in their local community based on cooperation and common (EU) values





* training 10 Change Leaders - Trainers

* training of their local 75 Activists - Educators in the area of ​​civic activity

* creating a Obwarzanek City Portrait for each of them 3 cities (one in Germany, Poland and Slovakia)

* development of available DEL educational materials of high quality SDG 4 

* provision of DEL materials and tools (professional open educational materials available), among others on EPALE                     

* refining and testing innovative methods and tools in regarding DEL and providing access to the achievements

* promoting the local use of DEL

* social integration of local communities in the above-mentioned cities around DEL SDG 16

* inclusion and involvement of representatives of various generations of adults in DEL

* strengthening the ties of cooperation between partners - MULTILINGUALITY E +



* Manual WE ENGAGE - available in electronic version, manual for engaging, connecting and empowering using DEL as an innovative tool for: trainers, educators, leaders and activists

* Training DEL TRAINERS we will develop and organize an innovative and up-to-date blended learning course that uses creativity, imagination and methodology for people working locally on DEL

* DEL Relay - an international gamification relay where activists from three countries will work together. Based on the feedback, they will finalize their local LAB dialogue.

* Portrait of the City of DEL for each of the 3 cities

* Internet platform DEL - mini competence portal DEL LAB

Erasmus+ KA1
Europe: Home that we want

Project summary:

Venue; Istanbul, Turkey

Planned dates; 1-9 April, 2017

Countries involved; Norway, Turkey, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, Hungary


Social inclusion aims to empower marginalized people to take advantage of burgeoning global opportunities. It ensures that people have a voice in decisions which affect their lives and that they enjoy equal access to markets, services and political, social and physical spaces.

Project "Europe: home that we want" is a youth exchange which put main focus on raising awareness among participants of the value and importance of volunteering as a form of active engagement and as a tool to combat poverty, marginalization, hate motivated violence, racism, discrimination and social exclusion from the perspective of youth in different societies and to develop mutual understanding, learn new creative techniques and share existing solutions with and in volunteering.

See more: 

Erasmus+ KA2
Understanding and Critical Media Literacy

Project summary:

The main objective of the project is to create essential tools (e.g. lesson plans, website with ready-made worksheets and materials) and develop approaches to broaden students’ media literacy and make them more confident  and be critical thinkers and acquire necessary skills in using media.  
As the project involves 9 partners from different European  countries representing various types of organizations, it tends to cover the wide spectrum of global issues in media literacy from both teachers´ and students´ points of view towards all kinds of mass media. The great number of experienced partners, who have been working together on various projects for several years, bring the opportunity  to produce larger amount of effective  valuable  techniques  and materials suitable for transnational environment of  media education to improve school educational program. 

Timetable of the meetings in the first year of the project period were updated as following:

Estonia – 28th Nov- 1st Dec 2016

Croatia - 3rd - 7th April 2017 (arrival day is on 2nd  April, departure day is on 7th April in the evening or 8th April 2017)

Timetable of the meetings in the second and third year of the project period were updated as following:

Romania – October 2017- Short-term joint staff training events

Greece – February 2018- Transnational meeting

Turkey – May 2018- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

Italy – October 2018- Short-term joint staff training events

Slovakia – March 2019- Transnational meeting

Czech republic– June 2019- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils + Multiplier event

more info at: 

meeting in Croatia (2nd-8th April 2017):

Erasmus+ KA1
Social media and youth

Project summary:

Information and communication technologies move the world and social media have become an important part of our lives. They  influence people´s mind and behaviour. They make our lives easier and more enjoyable, but on the other hand they can be easily misused to manipulate people from an early age.

The aim of the project is to concentrate on the following objectives in order to address the issue:

  • Throught this project we want to improve the key competences and skills of young people so that they will develop their personalities 

  • To promote solidarity, respect, tolerance and intercultural dialogue  with the focus to raise participants´awareness to responsibilities for their own lives through working on the same topic

  • To make participating organizations more recognasible, attractive and competitive in their areas, improve the quality of the youth work and promote active youth participation

  • To Exchange ideas and good practise examples to be able to offer the activities that are progressive, motivating and challenging for the other participants

  • To promote ICT - new technologies  with the emphasis on  digital competences

See more: 

Project summary:

Key action 1 – mobility of youth workers “Migration; Which way?” will bring together 50 youth workers from 10 countries Norway, Turkey, Denmark, UK, Germany, Sweden, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania and Czech Republic to Istanbul, Turkey from 14th to 22nd of November 2016.

The aims and objectives of the training course are:

• Fostering reflection on different dimensions of migration and mobility, understanding the theoretical framework of migration trends and new migration in Europe and its global effects

• Exchange of experience and good practice in youth work, related to international/local migration and mobility and its influence on young people in Europe

• Preparing youth workers and youth leaders in addressing the challenges and opportunities resulting from migration for young people /society as a whole

• Raising the competence of youth workers and youth leaders about the push and pull factors of migration and causes and consequences of migration and how to prevent negative effects of migration (such as discrimination) in society

Erasmus+ KA1
Migration – which way
Erasmus+ KA1
Attain Tolerance

Project summary:

The youth exchange « Attain Tolerance " will take place from 1-10 October of 2016 in Great Yarmouth.  The ideais  to  bring together 60 participants in total, included 6 leaders from UK, Spain, Turkey, Slovakia and Estonia) in order to meet the following objectives of the project:

1. to exchange informal learning and enrich cultural perspective through the art, dance and music;

2. to share the best practices in tackling cultural difference, integration and inclusion in youth work and intolerance; 

3. to involve people with fewer opportunities to take part in alternative methods of learning which will give them a chance to discover new cultures, habits and life-styles, mainly through peer-learning;

4. to strengthen values like solidarity, democracy, friendship, etc between different nations;

5. to learn more about the ways how  different concepts of citizenship impact upon youngster's  life across Europe through various alternative methods as are Art, music and dancing;

6. to maintain and to improve the physical condition, as well as, the quality of movement to perform daily activities;

7. to encourage Youth Exchange and cooperation between young people from different countries;

Erasmus+ KA1
Perform Tolerance

Project summary:

The project will focus on young people at the age of 18-30 years’ old who want to hear other people’s experience in intolerance and want to participate in activities which are illustrating intolerance, promoting tolerance and solving general conflicts which lead to intolerance among people. They will get to know aspects of dance, culture, national identity, social inclusion, lifelong learning and other in the process of work. The need of them will be to address different practices of dealing with intolerance (for instance through dance, Art and music). Throughout the week every participant will have the opportunity to exchange experiences and, in doing so, get in touch with different cultures and ways of living. Dance, Art and music will be used as a main way of contact and communication between the youngsters.

The working methods of the exchange are as following: Ice-breakers, energizers, Group building activities, Inter-cultural and experiential learning, language learning through traditional songs, workshops, dance activities, various discussions, as well as taking part in Flash-mob the final event of the project (a group project).

Erasmus+ KA1
New Home

Project summary:

The aim of the project is to concentrate on the following objectives in order to
address the issue:

• To focus on the consequences of migration and reflecting on the practice of
migrant integration and inclusion in European countries;
• To share best practice in tackling migration, integration and inclusion in youth
• To Exchange experience and good practice related to international/local
migration and mobility and its influence on young people in Europe;
• To prepare young people in addressing the challenges and opportunities
resulting from migration for young people /society as a whole;
• To raise the competence of young people about the push and pull factors of
migration and causes and consequences of migration and how to prevent
negative effects of migration (such as discrimination) in society;
• To promote European cooperation between youth organizations promoting
youth mobility and support engagement youth with immigrant backgrounds in
participating organizations’ activities;
• To provide informal learning opportunities with a European dimension and
creating innovative opportunities in connection with active citizenship, especially
for the young people with fewer opportunities through the development of new
initiatives in the field of migration and mobility for young people within the
framework of Erasmus + (Learning Mobility of Individuals).

more info at: 

Erasmus+ KA1
No to extremism

Project summary:

PLACE AND DATE:(11.-18 May 2016) to Karlstad, Sweden.

PARTICIPANTS:49 young people


COUNTRY:Partner countries will be from fromSweden, Hungary, Czech Rep. Estonia, Italia, Slovakia, Germany, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Turkey.

LANGUAGE: The working language will be English.

During working days of the Training Course, we will look deeper into the problems of discrimination, extremism, nationalism, intolerance and intercultural misunderstandings. Why do we discriminate? How it is possible that almost everyone agrees that discrimination isn’t good and that we should stop it, but it still exist? And what are the possible solutions to stop people decimating each other? Apart from looking to discrimination in general, we will also address the specific discrimination problems in the different countries where the participants come from. Which groups are discriminated in your country? Why? Are there any ideas how to stop that? What can we learn from the problems and solutions from other countries? And more importantly: how we can bring these solutions into practice when we have returned back home?

Erasmus+ KA1
Share with others

Project summary:

Training course “Share with others“is aimed for youth workers directly working with young people from different target groups or responsible for sharing and providing information about different opportunities (especially Erasmus+ programme) to young people, youth organizations, decision makers etc. Training course will take place in Great Yarmouth city of UKand involve 34 participants + trainers from 8 countries across Europe (UK, Estonia, Turkey, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Croatia, Sweden and Spain). The date of project will be between 10-19 March,2016. Training will be led by intercultural team of trainers from Estonia and Turkey with the support of UK support team.

Training course helps to develop skills which are essential for this kind of activity: working with different target groups, understanding the concept of intercultural learning, developing personal learning process (LLL & L2L) in the context of non-formal learning. If the first part of training course is more general, the second part gets more concrete: first of all – what are the opportunities of Erasmus+ programme and developing participants’ knowledge of certain sub-programmes, also Youthpass as an important tool in valuing non-formal learning process is examined and introduced (and practiced). Secondly – we work on how to analyze the needs of different target groups, how to motivate them and provide them information (attractively) this way it would be useful for them. The training course also involves local specialists, multipliers and members of local youth organizations who have the chance to share experiences with seminar participants and make new contacts. At the end of the training course participants have the chance to put their learning outcome into practice – they will participate in providing information in different places to different target groups (youth, youth with less opportunities, local municipality workers, unemployed youth, youth organizations etc) and this how they can get a real experience how to provide information in different cultural environments. This is also important to make the training course visible and bring some benefit for the local organisations/youth etc.

Who can participate in the training course?

Eligible participants must be youth workers, youth leaders or volunteers in youth organisations, interested in using intercultural dialogue and can be multiplier. Good (spoken) English language skills required.

Age range: 18-35


Erasmus+ KA1
Second Home

Project summary:

Erasmus+ KA1 Youth Exchange “Second Home” will take place in Istanbul between 20.04.2016 – 28.04.2016. Partner countries are; Turkey, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia and Lithuania.

PLACE AND DATE: The project will be in Istanbul, Turkey between 20.04.2016 – 28.04.2016.

PARTICIPANTS: 49 participants (included Group Leaders. 6+1 from each country), 18- 30 years old.

WHO: 3 males and 3 females in order to assure gender balance + 1 group leader. Participants with different background, concentrated on young people coming from rural areas and communities prevailing with emigrants is our target group. They are identifying their need to take part in further activities related to the topic of migration that would enable them to transform the attitudes and behavior of the broader communities, thereby integrate emigrants and to increase common understanding between different nationalities.

COUNTRY: Turkey, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia and Lithuania.


LANGUAGE: The working language will be English. But English is not MUST.

Countries have different types of issues related to the migration of people. We also decided after our meeting with potential partners at that time to conduct a research which showed that annually a total 214 million international migrants are immigrating from country to country. Young people constitute more than 10 per cent of this some, yet too little is known about their struggles and experiences. The aim of the project is to concentrate on the following objectives in order to address the issue:
• To focus on the consequences of migration and reflecting on the practice of migrant integration and inclusion in European countries;
• To share best practice in tackling migration, integration and inclusion in youth work;

• To exchange experience and good practice related to international/local migration and mobility and its influence on young people in Europe;
• To prepare young people in addressing the challenges and opportunities resulting from migration for young people /society as a whole;
• To raise the competence of young people about the push and pull factors of migration and causes and consequences of migration and how to prevent negative effects of migration (such as discrimination) in society;
• To promote European cooperation between youth organizations promoting youth mobility and support engagement youth with immigrant backgrounds in participating organizations’ activities;

Erasmus+ KA1
and intercultural dialogue

Project summary:

The training course will take place in Drammen, Norway between 1-8 September 2016 and will involve youth workers, young leaders and multipliers from the EU/EFTA(Norway, Sweden, Italy, Slovakia, Czech Rep., Greece, Spain, Estonia, Hungary) and non-EU countries(Turkey). During  working days of the Training Course, we will look deeper into the problems of discrimination, extremism, nationalism, intolerance and intercultural misunderstandings. Why do we discriminate? How it is possible that almost everyone agrees that discrimination isn’t good and that we should stop it, but it still exist? And what are the possible solutions to stop people decimating each other? Apart from looking to discrimination in general, we will also address the specific discrimination problems in the different countries where the participants come from. Which groups are discriminated in your country? Why? Are there any ideas how to stop that? What can we learn from the problems and solutions from other countries? And more importantly: how we can bring these solutions into practice when we have returned back home?

With this Training Course we aim to empower youth workers and youth leaders with skills, knowledge and attitudes to play an active role towards an intercultural society. Our objectives are the following:
• To analyse today’s multicultural society in different countries;
• To gain knowledge on key concepts, such as stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination, extremism, intolerance;
• To understand the causes of extremism and where it develops; 
• To analyse the European values and how they can be used in contrasting those phenomena.
• To discover the right attitudes towards an intercultural society;
• To promote ‘theatre of the oppressed’ and ‘the human library’ as a tool;
• To promote active citizenship, international dialogue and non-formal education. 
• To overview the European programs and create new projects related to the topic.


Erasmus+ KA1
We are multipliers

Project summary:

Erasmus+ training course “We are multipliers“ is aimed for youth workers directly working with young people from different target groups or responsible for sharing and providing information about different opportunities (especially Erasmus+ programme) to young people, youth organizations, decision makers etc. Project will take place in Istanbul, Turkey and involve 43 participants from 10 countries across Europe (Denmark, Turkey, Estonia, Slovakia, Latvia, Poland, Spain, Hungary, United Kingdom and Czech Republic). The date of project will be between 21-30 January,2016.

This project will help to develop skills which are essential for this kind of activity: working with different target groups, understanding the concept of intercultural learning, developing personal learning process (LLL & L2L) in the context of non-formal learning.  The  first part of training course is more general, the second part gets more concrete: first of all – what are the opportunities of Eramus+ programme and developing participants’ knowledge of certain sub-programmes, also Youthpass as an important tool in valuing non-formal learning process is examined and introduced (and practiced). Secondly – we work on how to analyze the needs of different target groups, how to motivate them and provide them information (attractively) this way it would be useful for them. The training course also involves local specialists, multipliers and members of local youth organizations who have the chance to share experiences with seminar participants and make new contacts. At the end of the training course participants have the chance to put their learning outcome into practice – they will participate in providing information in different places to different target groups (youth, youth with less opportunities, local municipality workers, unemployed youth, youth organizations etc) and this how they can get a real experience how to provide information in different cultural environments. This is also important to make the training course visible and bring some benefit for the local organisations/youth etc


Erasmus+ KA1
We are what we eat

Project summary:

We are what we eat! is an international youth exchange program with the participation of six promoters: Mikes Kelemen Fans Informal Youth Gr

oup from Turkey, GreenRope from Italy, Youthfully Yours Gr from Greece, EDU 4 U from Slovakia, Young Beats of Lithuania from

Lithuania and the hosting organization, the Youth Forum of Odorhei from Romania.

The program will take place in Odorheiu Secuiesc (Romania) between the 3 rd and the 11th of April 2016. The participants will be 36 young pe

ople (18-30 years of age) from the forth mentioned promoters (5+1 group leader).

Food is one of human beings’ favorite obsessions. Most people spend a great deal of time physically and mentally preoccupied with food: we o

rganize and prepare meals, we daydream about what’s for lunch or dinner... And we eat, sometimes a lot... Beyond simply

an enjoyable, necessary human pastime, though, eating has important implications for how we think of ourselves, and how we relate to the lar

ger cultures of which we are part in Europe. Which foods people prefer is connected obviously not only with what grows well in

a particular place, but also with culture, tradition or rituals, even scarcity and rarity of some foods.

We will have one week to visit among other interesting places from Harghita County (Romania) the milk factory, farms with herbals and

veggies, traditional bakeries and a lot of visits of other unique locations. During the program we will have language lessons,

intercultural evenings, training sessions and works hops, folk dances and so on.


Erasmus+ KA1
Join the others

Project summary:

PARTICIPANTS:60 participants + group leaders in this project.

WHO: Young people from 3 countries, Age; 15-30.

COUNTRY:Denmark, Slovakia and Turkey

LANGUAGE: The working language will be English.

The concepts of intercultural learning, often focuses on preparing individuals in a meeting with someone or something that is different from their usual culture. By using such categorizations of culture, we assume an implicit "foreignness" in meeting with people of a different cultural background - the so-called meeting with the "Join the others".

"Join the other" is an attempt to deepen intercultural learning, and try to take it in a positive direction changed, mainly by selecting a different starting point for such meetings with foreign cultures. Instead of focusing on bringing people from different backgrounds, we will start from a basic human experience, such as how we relate to something that is different than what we are used to. We will focus on solving problems together, work on assignments in transnational groups, and showcase our achievements through various creative and artistic expression. As such, we will try to break down the concepts of "otherness" and "strangeness", and try to be aware of how such "oddities" in the encounter with the other, arises - whether it's among ourselves or somewhere in our community environment.

The general objectives of the project are:

- To provide an opportunity for youth leaders and young people to reflect on their encounters with "the other" at various levels.

- To give participants the opportunity to experience the topic intercultural learning from a new and unusual perspective.

The specific objectives of the activity A1 (Youth Exchange) is:

- To support young people in their personal growth by challenging stereotypes and ways of acting.

- To give young people the opportunity to reflect on personal issues through artistic expression.

- To provide an opportunity for young people to work in multinational teams and to teach them about cultural diversity the world has to offer.

Project summary:

PLACE AND DATE: (5th – 13th July 2017) to Vilnius, Lithuania

PARTICIPANTS: 60 young people

WHO: 18-30

COUNTRY:  Partner countries will be from Norway, Turkey, Lithuania, Slovakia, Estonia, Czech Republic. 

LANGUAGE: The working language will be English.

Life Spirit is a project designed to promote sport as a tool in non-formal education. To achieve its objectives, we planned to implement event taking place in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The activity is an 8 days long youth exchange for 60 participants. During these activities we invite the youth workers from local organizations who are taking part in local sport activities to put in practice new skills and evaluate methods learned.

The themes of the project are: Intercultural dialogue and acceptance, education and youth work through sport and outdoor activities, physical and mental health of youngsters, anti-discrimination, inclusion of marginalised youth through sport/outdoor, Erasmus+ programme and European level projects in youth field with using sport/outdoor activities.



• Defining sport and to raise awareness about our perceptions of Sport in our countries/cultures

• Using sport and outdoor activities as motivation factors, team-building activity and self-esteem incentive

• Improving performance and problem-solving skills

• Promoting and exploring the concepts “sports for all” and “healthy lifestyle” in relation with youth work

• Sharing methods for and understanding and encouraging usage of sport and outdoor activities in youth work with intercultural learning and dialogue aspects

• Promoting cultural diversity as a strength in our everyday life and (youth) work

• Promoting intercultural dialogue as instrument in acquiring the knowledge and aptitudes for dealing with a more open and more complex environment

The project is based on the approach and principles of non-formal education. A combination of different creative and interactive methods will be used and designed upon the profile of participants with accent on using more methods of sport and outdoor activities.

All partners will be involved in preparation, implementation and evaluation and follow-up phase and activities during the exchange.

Erasmus+ KA1
Life Spirit
Erasmus+ KA1
LIFE (learned, integrated, fused, equality)

Project summary:
Van Governorate EU Project Coordination Center from Turkey, invites you to join us in the 7-day training course “Youth-friendly Social Policies (YoFSoP)” (30th April is arrival day and 8th May is departure day). The project will be hosted in Van, which is located on the plain extending from the Lake Van.
This project will increase your cricital thinking skills, allow you to see through tricks that are played on us by media and big companies marketing campaingns. We are all under (social) pressure – let’s learn together how to prevent it and help others to face it. We invite you to come to hear the experience of others and share yours!
The topics taking place in the training program are; Youth as a Social Individual, Social Responsibility, Inclusion in Social Policies, Education in Social Policies, Health in Social Policies, Social Policy Proposal Workshops, Activity Plan For Future. 

Erasmus+ KA1

Project summary:

Green Spirit is a multilateral youth exchange that will gather 40 young people and 10 leaders (in total 50 participants) from 5 countries (Norway, Romania, Lithuania, Slovakia, Turkey) during 5-15 September 2017 in Stamsund (Lofoten), Norway.
Through the spirit of active European citizenship, “ Green Spirit “ aims to underline the importance of environmental awareness practices in rural areas by the young participants
through creative campaigns conducted using methods of non-formal education and through concrete actions to reduce the negative impact caused of man on the natural environment. At the same time, we want a better communication and to create a durable link between the young participants of the project and local residents.

Nórsko. Krajina fjordov a vikingov. Ale nie len toho. Odteraz krajina priateľstiev, polárnej žiary, vetra či dlhých nocí. Prežili sme tu 10 dní poznávania nových kultúr, krás severu a všetkého, čo nám pripomínalo pominuteľnosť okamihu. Bývali sme v pôvodných rybárskych domoch, v ktorých bolo stále cítiť ťažkú prácu a námahu nórskych mužov. Túto atmosféru umocňovali vlny, ktoré nás unášali, keď sme plavili na loďkách. Neraz sme Stamsund, dedinu v ktorej sme bývali, objavovali na mori, s veslami v rukách. Objavovali sme ho však aj z úpätí neďalekých kopcov, kde nás stále sprevádzali slnečné lúče. A nevideli sme len Stamsund, ale aj krásne mestá Reine a Å. Úzke cesty, ktoré nás viedli za krásami Lofotských ostrovov lemovali rozprávkové farebné domčeky a machom pokryté skaly. Navštívili sme aj nádherné pláže a tých odvážnejších od septembrového kúpania v mori neodradila ani nízka teplota. Studené ruky sme si však ohriali pri pravom vikingskom ohni. V múzeu sme videli nefalšovanú námahu ľudí, ktorí sa museli vysporiadať s mrazivým vetrom a zimnými, takmer nekončiacimi nocami. Bolo zaujímavé vrátiť sa v čase, obliecť sa do dobových kostýmov a túlať sa minulosťou. Minulosťou, ktorá sa zmenila v súčasnosť a my sme zrazu verili, že môžeme zastaviť čas. Zastaviť ho pri skvelom nórskom, rumunskom, tureckom alebo litovskom jedle, pri kultúrnych večeroch, pri oblohu tancujúcej polárnej žiare či pri obyčajných chvíľach v kruhu priateľov. Spolu s krátiacim sa časom sme čoraz viac chápali problematike životného prostredia, ktorú sme vnímali najmä na pozitívnych príkladoch. Na podnetných workshopoch sme vytvorili ideálne mestá, inovatívne prostriedky na ochranu prírody a diskutovali (nielen) s poslancom mesta Leknes. Verím, že tieto takmer dva týždne strávené v tejto dychberúcej krajine z nás nespravili len uvedomelejších, ekologicky zmýšľajúcich ľudí, ale pomohli nám pochopiť, že nezáleží na národnosti, vierovyznaní či farbe pleti. Všetkých nás inšpirujú tie isté hviezdy, všetci máme schopnosť zmeniť svet. Nezáleží na tom či vynájdeme auto jazdiace na vodu alebo vypočujeme kamaráta v núdzi. Dôležité je nebáť sa vykročiť.

Erasmus+ KA1
Erasmus+ KA1

Project summary:

Place and date: 19-26 April 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey

Participants: 60 young people (7 participants + 1 group leader from each country)

Who: 18-30

Countries involved: UK, Macedonia, Turkey, Denmark, Slovakia, Lithuania, Czech Republic and France.

Language: working language was English

About the project

Principle inspiration of Youth Exchange ‘’HUMAN BEING’’ is to raise comprehension of the participants on gender and gender related issues and to make the participants more gender sensitive. During the Youth Exchange the participants will participate in intelligent lectures, exchanges, debates, simulations or theatre-based exercises and they will chip away at making arrangement of short films on gender issues with plan to aim increase awareness among youngsters on gender and gender equality.
Targets of Youth Exchange ‘’HUMAN BEING’’;
- To raise learning of the participants on gender and gender related issues (gender mainstreaming, gender equality);
- To give the participants a chance to think about the substances in their nations and to recognize steps prompting gender equal society;
- To enable the participants to address gender inequality;
- To build community mindfulness on sexual orientation issues through mindfulness campaign made by the participants during the Youth Exchange;
- To build information of the participants on Erasmus + Program and to urge the participants to participate in youth mobility.

Project summary:

Place and date: 11th – 19th of March in Loutraki, Greece

Participants: 60 young people (7 participants + 1 group leader from each country)

Who: 18-30

Countries involved: UK, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Hungary, Turkey and Greece

Language: working language was English

About the project

Project “Life in Green” was addressing art and environmental problems via artistic creativity. Important idea was to increase public consciousness, connected to environmental issues in European as well as local level. Totally 60 youth and youth leaders from UK, Greece, Turkey, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia were collaborate via various art workshops to reach one common goal. The major objective of the project was to draw attention to the problem of stand up for a clean environment. During youth exchange, participants had the opportunity to debate current issues, shared ideas how to preserve environment clean, to simulate simple steps that could help towards reducing the impact of negative factors, which is caused by counterfeiting of secondary raw materials. All activites were based on non formal education what means all outcomes, proposals and ideas of participants were show through various style of arts such as video, short theater performance (flashmob), handcrafted creations from recycled materials, art workshops with paper & plastic trash or bottles, reusing clothes etc. This project was supposed to lead mostly young people and local people to think first about their action and then to find potential solutions about environmental degradation.


Erasmus+ KA1
Erasmus+ KA1

Project summary:

Place and date: 20-26 January 2019, Nysted, Denmark

Participants: 60 young people (2 participants + 2 group leader from each country)

Who: 18-30

Countries involved: Germany, Denmark, Turkey, Slovakia and Lithuania

Language: working language was English

About the project

Principle inspiration of Youth Exchange ‘’HUMAN BEING’’ is to raise comprehension of the participants on gender and gender related issues and to make the participants more gender sensitive. During the Youth Exchange the participants will participate in intelligent lectures, exchanges, debates, simulations or theatre-based exercises and they will chip away at making arrangement of short films on gender issues with plan to aim increase awareness among youngsters on gender and gender equality.
Targets of Youth Exchange ‘’HUMAN BEING’’;
- To raise learning of the participants on gender and gender related issues (gender mainstreaming, gender equality);
- To give the participants a chance to think about the substances in their nations and to recognize steps prompting gender equal society;
- To enable the participants to address gender inequality;
- To build community mindfulness on sexual orientation issues through mindfulness campaign made by the participants during the Youth Exchange;
- To build information of the participants on Erasmus + Program and to urge the participants to participate in youth mobility.

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